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It's raining, it's pouring

As I was walking around town with my camera (I know it’s raining, it’s windy, I’m brave) I took this picture and I was (again) thinking that I would be better with my camera on a beach somewhere warm. It’s like an automatic thought I have every time the weather is getting bad.

Why do we instinctively believe that warm weather makes us happier? I dig a little on the internet and I have found out the international lists of the happiest countries : top of the league tend to be places like Norway, Sweden, Canada, Denmark and Finland. I was surprised that there is no correlation between well-being and warm weather - if anything it looks like the opposite!!!!

But with this rain all over me, my mental wellbeing is affected by the weather…well, as long as it doesn’t last a week, I won’t be that affected. Let’s hope I’ll be able to wear my shorts and T-shirt soon enough. So in the meantime, I’m heading back home and I’m looking forward to a hot tea with some biscuits sitting next to my furry friends. That thought is boosting my well-being.

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